1. Copy your text from the source

  2. Navigate to the page you’d like to edit & enter the text editor

  3. Select the ‘paste as plain text’ option from the toolbar (highlighted icon in image)

    1. this will strip the styles from the text, which is ideal for putting it on our site which uses different styles
    2. however, it will also strip out links. You will have to re-link these
  4. use the keyboard commands to paste content in:

    1. windows: ctrl-V
    2. Mac: cmd-V
  5. save and go to the ‘preview’ tab to check your pasted results for accuracy


If you really can’t paste with plain text without it causing you a ton of re-do extra work, you can still paste without selecting the plain-text option. It just puts in a lot of unnecessary backend code, which bloats your page without actually doing anything useful or sometimes causing problems. Let me know if you’d like any further explanation, advice, or help with this (: